Room Container
This class prevents various errors in additive room systems by keeping various classes specific to the room.
public static readonly SingletonContainer
public static readonly ListenerContainer
Singleton Container
private static readonly Dictionary<Scene, RoomContainerData> _data
:structure that holds data for the scene and the classes within the scene.
T: Type of class to add.
scene: scene where the class will be added.
element: class to be added.
Tries to add a specific object to a specified Scene.
The addition is performed using the type specified by the generic type parameter T
If an object of type T already exists in the relevant scene, adding a new object is prevented and the method returns false.
If the specified Scene does not exist yet, a new RoomContainerData object is created and a new object of type T is added with the element.
T: Type of class to remove
scene: scene where the class will be removed.
Tries to delete an object of type T from the specified Scene.
If there is no object of type T in the specified Scene, the method returns false, indicating that no deletion has occurred.
If there is an object of type T in the specified Scene, this object is deleted from the Objects collection and the method returns true.
T: Type of class to get
scene: scene where the class will be returned.
If an object of type T exists in the specified Scene, it returns that object. If there is no object of type T, the method returns null.
An object of type T is taken and this object is given as output. The type of this object may be set to T.
Listener Container
Provides funcionality to manage and invoke room listeners for a specific room.
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, List<IRoomListener>> _listeners
:Keeps listeners derived from IRoomListener with their types and objects list
T: The type of the listeners of retrieve.
Searches the list for listeners of type T.
If found it returns the list.
T: The type of the listener to be added.
listener: The listener to be added.
If the specified type of listener list does not exist, it creates and adds it.
Adds it to the existing list if it exists.
T: The type of the listener to be added.
listener: The listener to be removed.
private readonly Dictionary<string, RoomListenersHandler> _listenerHandlers;
Keeps listenerHandlers based on room name
roomName: The name of the room.
scene: The new scene that has been changed to.
If there is a room with the specified name,
it takes the listeners and calls the onRoomSceneChanged method of all the listeners it finds.
roomName: The name of the room.
If there is a room with the specified name,
it deletes the listenerHandler added to that room.
T: The type of the listener to be register.
roomName: The name of the room.
listener: The listener to be registered.
If the listenersHandler does not exist for the room, it creates it and adds the listeners to the list.
Adds listenar to the list of existing handlers, if any
T: The type of the listener to be register.
roomName: The name of the room.
listener: The listener to be registered.
If there is no listenersHandler for the specified room, it does nothing.
Removes the specified listener from the handlers, if any.
T: The type of the listener to be register.
roomName: The name of the room.
Returns all listeners for the specified room
roomName: The name of the room.
Checks whether listenerHandlers exist for the specified room
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