Reflective Room Manager
Docs, Guides, FAQ, Templates, Examples, API, and more!
Last updated
Docs, Guides, FAQ, Templates, Examples, API, and more!
Last updated
Stop worrying about the optimization and structure of the room system in your games, because a lot of thought has gone into this library.
I think we are tired of creating room systems for different projects each time.
Reflective Room Manager is an easy-to-use, modular, and adaptive advanced room system for Unity and Mirror.
Both single room and multi room system.
Configurable PhysicSimulator.
Modular collision system (designed for additive scenes and others)
Possibility to develop a room system in any design you want with the modular room system.
Modular and generic singleton system for room systems using additive scene design
A modular, convenient and comprehensive Scene Management system for additive and single scenes
Support for Additive Scenes with Physics Isolation (battle instances, levels, etc.)
Several complete Examples included. (so soon)
Constant improvements and enhancements every month.
Full time support available in our Discord.
Mirror's support for LTS versions will be followed. Since it is a mirror-dependent package, it works in every version supported by mirror.